A simple concept more than 50 years ago has today transformed into one of the leading car care manufacturers in the industry. SONAX Car Care, still developed and manufactured in Neuburg, Germany, started with Manfred Hoffman (the great-grandfather of SONAX’s current owner).
The SONAX brand’s history goes back to the beginning of the last century. In 1905 Neuburg, Germany, Manfred Hoffman extracted siliceous earth – an extremely fine mineral which was used in many domestic polishes. After the war, a silver polish was developed and marketed under the name, “Sona” – while very successful, it had very limited market opportunities due to its application. Therefore, the idea of creating a car polish was born!
An “X” – a synonym for wax which was found in every car polish – was added to the brand name, “Sona”. This was the introduction into the car care sector. As advertising to customer, rather than personal contact, was unheard of at that time, the spread of the SONAX name was very simple. Four SONAX representatives set off over land in fully loaded VW Beetles to spread the word.
As the SONAX name spread, more and more products were added to the line-up; but not all of them were successfully the first time around. In fact, their first attempt as a de-icing spray (packaged in glass bottles), froze in shipment and burst! This only motivated them more, and in 1962 produced an extremely effective de-icer packaged in an aerosol can.
By the time SONAX’s current owner entered the company, the turnover had grown to a remarkable $18 million USD! However, this was mostly made up through brands of trade, petroleum companies, and car manufacturers. It wasn’t until the first half of the 1980’s that SONAX began to systematically build up the premium car care brand. The clear brand image, advertising, and first sponsorships help SONAX gain more and more awareness.
Since then, SONAX has grown into the worldwide car care brand that we know today. SONAX is represented in 80 countries around the world, exports have increased to 30%, and a subsidiary distribution companies in Austria and the Netherlands provide local presence.
The SONAX Corporate Philosophy
We at Sonax see ourselves as innovative manufactures of premium car care products for optimum maintenance, protection and rejuvenation of vehicles.
Range of Services – Under the trade name SONAX, we offer a highly competitive and extensive range of products for the cleaning and care of vehicles. Through continuous research and improvement, and a price policy in the upper range, we seek to establish the SONAX brand as a manufacturer and supplier of environmentally pro-active and innovative products.
Success Factors – Our clear corporate aim is the perpetual development of our Brand Power; Customer Orientation; Adaptability and Process and Product Quality. And through these success factors, we aim to distinguish ourselves as a leader in the marketplace, and lastingly increase our returns.
Code of Conduct – We are naturally aware of our responsibilities to the environment. This requires that our business practices and products are conducted, or maintained, in harmony with our natural resources. We constantly aim to improve customer and employee satisfaction, through customer orientation and personal responsibility. We strive for successful partnerships, of mutual benefit, with our customers and suppliers.